Working people who are members of rural economic collective have the right, within the limits prescribed by law, to farm plots of cropland and hilly land allotted for their private use, engage in household sideline production and raise privately owned livestock. 参加农村集体经济组织的劳动者,有权在法律规定的范围内经营自留地、自留山、家庭副业和饲养自留畜。
Windows doesn't usually let you access all of the memory in this address space; your process gets just under half for its own private use, and Windows uses the rest. Windows通常不会允许您访问地址空间中的所有这些内存,进程自己使用的只有不到一半,其他供Windows使用。
You can also use the center to share files restricted to the selected few for private use or available to all depending on your security criteria. 您还可以使用此中心来根据您的安全性标准共享只限于少数几个人私人使用的文件,或共享可供所有人使用的文件。
Finally, there are plug-ins that are distributed by third-party vendors or registered for private use by a specific application. 最后,还有一些由第三方供应商分发或注册专门用于特定应用程序的插件。
Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles for Private Use in International Traffic 快车道式顺向公车专用道国际交通中私用公路车辆征税公约
Customs Convention on the temporary importation for private use of aircraft and pleasure boats; 关于私用飞机和游船临时进口的海关公约;
Elevated steel tanks for private use, such as those for sprinkler supply, also performed poorly. 私人用的架立钢水塔,例如贮水用的水塔,也表现不好。
Keep ( fishing, game, land, part of a river, etc) for private use 将(土地、河流区段等)保留以供私用
How many square metres are for the exclusive and private use of the teacher? 可供外教单独使用空间有多少平方米?
High maintenance costs, official cars for private use, rare use, and excessiveness are four major problems in the current official car fleet. 公务用车维护费用高、公车私用现象严重、使用效率低下、超编屡禁不止是目前中国公务用车的主要问题。
For your own private use on your PC or to be shared with others in your network. 工作资料库,这样你即可以安装在自己的电脑上供个人使用,也可以放在公司内部的局域网。
But, if its can use the ground can use what the ground distinguishs clearly with enterprise other, can prep according to by national finance the land of the institution for private use of sectional appropriate funds, avoid ask for town land royalities. 但是,假如其用地能与企业其它用地明确区分的,可以比照由国家财政部门拨付经费的事业单位自用的土地,免征城镇土地使用税。
It was only for the private use of the family. 这只是供这个家族私人用的。
I saw that in the ( logical) limit, this would amount to a contract granting the private use of resources without private title. 我看到在逻辑上推到尽,这合约是准许私人使用资产但没有私人所有权。
Convention on the Law Applicable to Traffic Accidents Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles for Private Use in International Traffic 公路交通事故法律适用公约(海牙,1971年)国际交通中私用公路车辆征税公约
Certain exceptions to the protection are the private use of the patent without commercial purposes and for experimental use. 非商业目的和用于实验用途的私人使用除外。
Magnetic sound-reproducing apparatus for office or private use, not incorporating a sound-recording device 办公室或私人用的磁性一放音设备,不带录音装置
The information provided on this web site is for private use only and is not intended to be relied on. 本网址所提供的地图资讯只供私人使用,而不拟供使用者用作行事的依据。
Hot spring licensee means a person who obtains the hot spring right or mining right and provides for private use or other persons to use. 七温泉取供事业:指以取得温泉水权或矿业权,提供自己或他人使用之事业。
It's not for sale, just for my private use. 不是出售的,仅供我自己用的。
France could become the first country to pass a law broadly permitting free downloads of copyright content from the Internet for private use. 法国可能成为第一个允许私人下载受版权保护内容的国家!
He appropriated public funds for his own private use. 他挪用公款。
The law was highly controversial within France for it could significantly hamper free software, and also may significantly restrict the right to make copies of copyrighted works for private use. 「本法案在法国引起高度争议,因为它会对自由软体造成相当的阻碍,亦会对把有版权的物料作私人使用的复制造成限制」。
Manorial land retained for the private use of a feudal lord. 宅邸为封建地主私人使用的邸宅土地。
Loss of car of domestic for private use is kept in the Chinese this responsibility already was included in danger, need not cast alone protect this danger to plant. 在中国人保家庭自用汽车损失险中已包含这个责任,不用单独投保此险种。
The company stipulated can public-fund private use of item; 公司规定了可以公费私用的项目;
"The Tragedy of the Commons" derives from the private use of public resources. 公地悲剧源于公共资源的私人利用方式。
Since the founding of the PRC, private use ordinary passports for its citizens have undergone 12 versions. 新中国建立以来,随着国内外社会政治经济形势的变化,中国公民因私普通护照先后共有过12次版本变化。
VPN technology is one efficient way to solve network security problem and private use of Internet. VPN技术是解决网络安全、互联网‘专’用的一条有效途径。